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Active Women's Blend

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Women's body evolves like our mother Earth. Certain herbs can help us stay healthy mentally and physically and support our journey of womanhood. 'Active Women's Blend' is a blend carefully designed for every woman's well-being. Our master blenders have put together different herbs that will support your health through all phases of your life and keep you feeling nurtured. 'Tea for Women' will help you harmonize your body and mind and make you think 'you' again.

Health Benefits

  • Rich in antioxidants that promote good health
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that help your body fight infection and repairs tissues
  • It may help treat gallstones 
  • May cut or lower the risk of heart disease
  • Lowers Blood pressure levels
  • Lowers harmful cholesterol levels (triglycerides)
  • It has a powerful anti-diabetic effect
  • It helps to soothe a stressed, overthinking mind
  • Eases Arthritis Symptoms
  • It helps combat bacterial vaginosis
  • Promotes healthy hair growth
  • Eases period pains
  • Improves liver function
  • It may protect against various cancers
  • It may aid in upper respiratory conditions like bronchitis, asthma, and congestion
  • Strengthens cognitive function
  • Improves digestive health
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Combats bad breath problems and fights cavities
  • Improves skin cell longevity
  • Promotes healthy aging
  • Improves eyesight
  • Promotes healthy weight loss

NOTE: The health benefits may vary depending on the specific ingredients used in the blend. We do not recommend you use these teas as a substitute for any medical treatment.

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Active Women's Blend
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(3 reviews) Write a review



  • Tea Leaves
  • Lemon Peels
  • Lemon Grass
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Mint
  • Black Cardamom
  • Licorice Roots
  • Cardamom Grains
  • Cloves
  • Mary Gold Petals

Character note

  • Category: Ayurvedic/Flavored Tea
  • Caffeine: Low
  • Aroma: Spicy
  • Tasting notes: Pungent, spicy
  • Best Served: Hot

Brewing Guide

  • Recommended: With water (180 ml)
  • Water Temperature: 90°C - 95°C (194°F - 203°F)
  • Tea Per Cup: 1 Teaspoon (2.5 gm)
  • Steep Time: 5-6 mins
  • Add in honey to taste and serve hot

View all variations as list

  CODE Packaging Availability Price  
Active Women's Blend Pouch 100gm 40 cups
In stock
Tin 100gm 40 cups
In stock


Average Star Rating:
5.00 (3 reviews Total)
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Première fois que je bois cette infusion. Très bonne, un peu pimentée et un excellent goût.
J'ai arrêté le café il y a un an pour plusieurs raisons : problèmes de sommeil, cortisol élevé, inflammation, et trop de sucre dans mon cas ! Cependant, il me manquait un "boost" d'énergie, et l'inévitable coup de fatigue l'après-midi était difficile... jusqu'à ce que je découvre Teangle ! Ce produit est tout simplement parfait : local, au goût incroyable, et d'une simplicité à préparer (je ne suis pas fan des thés chauds, ni des préparations compliquées). J'adore pouvoir simplement verser la poudre dans ma tasse d'eau, et c'est prêt ! Depuis le premier jour, mon énergie est au top, et adieu la sieste de l'après-midi ! Un nouvel essentiel dans ma vie, merci Teangle !
Helps me sleep better. It's tasty, too.And how comvenient that it comes in tea bags so I don't have to make my own tea blends.

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