Sellers rating

Please the following guidelines before posting a review

Customers can leave feedback, comments, and ratings once they order something from a seller. The information will be shared with other customers. This can be done within 90 days after your order.

Your comments should focus on your buying experience and answer some of the following questions:

  • Were you happy with how the seller packaged and shipped your order (for products)?
  • Was the seller professional, and was their work of good quality?
  • If applicable, did you get good customer service and did the seller fix your issue quickly?
  • Would you buy from this seller again?
  • What would have improved your experience?


A third-party seller can be rated from one to five stars. Their average rating will appear beside their name on our site. Make sure you give the seller a chance to resolve any issues you had before leaving a critical rating.

Any feedback that does not relate to your buying experience or violates our guidelines will be removed. For example, if your feedback includes any of the following:

  • Promotional content includes anything promotional, such as comments about or links to other sellers or websites.
  • Offensive language: Use helpful and polite language.
  • Abusive or illegal content: The content must not encourage crimes against humanity, racial hatred, or violence. Child pornography or content that undermines human dignity is also prohibited.
  • Personal information: Do not include any details that violate your privacy or the privacy of others: Inasbay passwords, payment card numbers, phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.
  • Content likely to impede on the intellectual property rights of third parties: This includes photos, articles, etc.
  • Pricing feedback: This includes feedback about the item's price or delivery.
  • Product Reviews: You should review products on their product detail page.

How to write a review


Once you have purchased an item from a third-party seller, you can rate it. By rating it, you are sharing your experiences with other customers.

To leave feedback for an order:

  1. Go to Your orders and select the product
  2. Scroll down and click Write a review
  3. Select the options that best reflect your experience.
  4. Select Submit review


Please note that it might take up to 10 days for the order to appear under the product reviews section after it has been completed or cancelled. Therefore, you have 90 days from the date of your order to rate and comment. You will receive an email request for feedback within three to four days of the estimated delivery date or 20 days after placing your order.

More help can be found here